Fortress Mad Spray Can Mutant Limited Edition Vinyl Art Toy Collectible Artwork by street graffiti Quiccs x Jeremy MadL x Martian Toys.
Rattle Rattle Rattle Mad Mutant Spraycan is on its relentless assault and has teamed up with the mighty manila killa Quiccs to bring this street beast to the EastFORTRESS MAD SPRAYCAN MUTANTBy Quiccs x MadL x MartianToysThe stats remain the same on this mutantPlatform Designed by legendary Jeremy Madl, Edition, Designed by Renowned Manila Based Street Artist Quiccs, and made by those alien misfit toymakers, Martian Toys, get ready for a gang of grungy tough mentally disturbed Mutant Spray Cans to rattle your cage. 6 points of articulation, 2 sets of shoes, Eraser and Vans